My husband is a proud veteran of the United States Army. We are both small town kids that understand the needs of every community...especially those that are smaller or rural. We decided when we started our kennel that we would also start the K9 Donation Program.
Out of every litter, we donate one working puppy/dog to a chosen recipient. That handler may be from a police, military, civil service, or veteran background. We take applications for this opportunity and choose the best match for the current litter we have available/planned. Once the dog and handler are paired, we also work closely with the handler to ensure the success of his/her new partner. This is an exciting program that we're thrilled to be able to offer to give back to our community and our country.
Want to see our previous donations?
"A" Litter Donation-Arvee vom Adlerland
Want to apply? Know someone you want to nominate?
Fill out the form below! We are currently looking for our B Litter recipient.
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